
职称: 长聘教授
所属学科: 生态学(植物有害生物防控)



电话/ 传真:021-34205873      

电子信箱: gyouchen@sjtu.edu.cn



       1984年毕业于河南农学院植保系获学士学位;2000年毕业于南京农业大学植物病理系获博士学位;1984-2001年, 河南农业大学植物病理学系助教、讲师和副教授;2001-2007年, 南京农业大学植物病理学系副教授、教授、博士生导师;2003-2005年,英国杜伦大学传染病研究中心博士后;2006-至今,国际植物病理学会植物病原细菌学委员会委员或主席;2008年至今,金沙2004路线js5教授/长聘教授、博士生导师;2007-2009年,美国Cornell大学植病系客座教授,唐氏学者;2016年至今,Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA)、Phytopathology Research和Molecular Horticulture编委以及植物病理学报副主编;2020年至今,上海市植物病理学会理事长、教育部植物生产类本科专业教学指导委员会委员。主要从事分子植物病理学、植物-微生物分子互作、植物病害生物防治和作物抗病育种研究。先后完成国家973计划、863计划、农业部公益行业(植保)专项、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目以及其他省部级科研项目30余项,在Nature Communications、Molecular Plant、Journal of Advanced Research、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Journal of Experimental Botany、PLoS Pathogens、Molecular Microbiology、Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions、Molecular Plant Pathology、Applied and Environmental Microbialogy等经典刊物上发表研究论文100余篇,获省部级科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖2项和三等奖3项,获国家发明专利12项。



  1. 2019-2023年,国家自然科学基金重点项目(31830072),稻黄单胞菌识别和逃逸Xa1类抗性水稻的分子机理,主持;
  2. 2021-2024年,上海市教委,水稻高产优质抗病育种,主持;
  3. 2020-2024年,上海市科技兴农项目(2020-02-08-00-08-F01462),“杀菌油菜-有机稻-鸭”新型种养模式探索与示范,主持;



  1. Chen J., Li M., Liu L.Y., Chen G.Y.* and Fu Z.Q.*. ZAR1 resistosome and helper NLRs: Bringing in calcium and inducing cell death. Mol Plant, 2021, 14: 1234–1236.
  2. Haq F., Xu X.M., Ma W.X., Shah S.M.A., Liu L.L., Zhu B., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. A Xanthomonas transcription activator-like effector is trapped in nonhost plants for immunity. Plant Commun., 2021, 2(6): 100249.
  3. Nie W.H., Wang S., Huang J., Xu Q., Wang P.H., Wu Y., He R., Yiming A., Liang J.L., Ahmad I., Fu L.Y., Guo L.B., Yuan J.H., Zhu B.*, and Chen G.Y.*. A-to-I mRNA editing in a ferric siderophore receptor improves competition for iron in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Micriobiol Spect., 2021, 9(2): e01571-21.
  4. Wu Y., Wang S., Nie W.H., Wang P.H., Fu L.Y., Ahmad I., Zhu B.*, and Chen G.Y.*. A key antisense sRNA modulates the oxidative stress response and virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. PLoS Pathogens, 2021, 17(7):e1009762.
  5. Shah S.M.A., Khojasteh M., Wang Q., Taghavi S.M., Xu Z.Y., Khodaygan P., Zou L.F., Mohammadikhah S., Chen G.Y.* and Osdaghi E.*. Genomics-enabled novel insight into the pathovar-specific population structure of the bacterial leaf streak pathogen Xanthomonas translucens in small grain cereals. Front Microbiol., 2021, 12:674952.
  6. Xu X.M., Xu Z.Y., Li Z.Y., Zakria M., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. Increasing resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice by editing the promoter of susceptibility gene OsSULRT3;6. Plant Biotechnol J., 2021, 19(6): 1101-1103.
  7. Xu X.M., Xu Z.Y., Ma W.X., Haq H., Li Y., Shah S.M.A., Zhu B., Zhu C.X., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. TALE-triggered and iTALE-suppressed Xa1-mediated resistance to bacterial blight is independent of rice transcription factor subunits OsTFIIAγ1 or OsTFIIAγ5. J. Exp. Bot., 2021, 72(8): 3249–3262.
  8. Zou L.F., Zhang C.P., Li Y.L., Yang X.F., Wang Y.Y., Yan Y.C., Yang R.H., Huang M.S., Haq F., Yang C.H., and Chen G.Y.*. An improved, versatile and efficient modular plasmid assembly system for expression analyses of genes in Xanthomonas oryzae. Mol Plant Pathol., 2021, 22(4): 480-492.
  9. Chen G.Y., Khojasteh M., Taheri-Dehkordi A., Taghavi S.M., Rahimi T., Osdaghi E*. Complete genome sequencing provides novel insight into the virulence repertories and phylogenetic position of dry beans pathogen Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens. Phytopathol., 2021,111(2):268-280.
  10. Nie W.H., Wang S., He R., Xu Q., Wang P.H., Wu Y., Tian F., Yuan J.H., Zhu B.*, and Chen G.Y.*. A-to-I RNA editing in bacteria increases pathogenicity and tolerance to oxidative stress. PLoS Pathogens, 2020, 16(8): e1008740.
  11. Chen G.Y.*. Bleeding canker of pear-An emerging devastating disease. J Integ Agric., 2020, 19(4): 887–888.
  12. Xu Z.Y., Wang S., Liu L., Yang Y.Y., Zhu B., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. Genome resource of a hypervirulent strain LN4 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing bacterial blight of rice. Plant Dis., 2020, 104:2764-2767..
  13. Ma W.X., Xu X.M., Cai L.L., Cao Y.Y., Haq F., Alfano J.R., Zhu B., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. A Xanthomonas oryzae type III effector XopL causes cell death through mediating ferredoxin degradation in Nicotiana benthamiana. Phytopathol Res., 2020, 2:16.
  14. Ji C.H., Ji Z.Y., Liu B., Cheng H., Liu H., Liu S.Z., Yang B.*, and Chen G.Y.*. Xa1 allelic R genes activate rice blight resistance suppressed by interfering TAL effectors. Plant Commun., 2020, 1(4):100087.
  15. Haq F., Xie S.W., Huang K.X., Shah S.M.A., Ma W.X., Cai L.L., Xu X.M., Xu Z.Y., Wang S., Zou L.F., Zhu B., and Chen G.Y.*. Identification of a virulence tal gene in the cotton pathogen, Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum strain Xss-V 2-18. BMC Microbiol., 2020 15;20(1):91.
  16. Khojasteh M., Shah S.M.A., Haq F., Xu Z.Y., Taghavi SM, Osdaghi E*, and Chen G.Y.*. Transcription Activator-Like Effector (TALE) Diversity in Iranian Strains of Xanthomonas translucens. Phytopathol., 2020, 110(4): 758-767.
  17. Guo W., Gao J.,  Wang H.J., Su R.Y., Sun C.Y., Gao S.H., Liu J.Z.*, and Chen G.Y.*. Phosphoglycerate kinase is involved in carbohydrate utilization, extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis, and cell motility of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines independent of Clp. Front Mocrobiol., 2020, 7(11):91.
  18. Xu Z.Y., Xu X.M., Gong Q., Li Z.Y., Li Y., Wang S., Yang Y.Y., Ma W.X., Liu L.Y., Zhu B., Zou L.F.*, and Chen G.Y.*. Engineering broad-spectrum bacterial blight resistance by simultaneously disrupting variable TALE-binding elements of multiple susceptibility genes in rice. Mol Plant, 2019, 12(11):1434-1446.
  19. Shah S.M.A., Haq F., Ma W.X., Xu X.M., Wang S., Xu Z.Y., Zou L.F,Zhu B., and Chen G.Y.*. Tal1NXtc01 in Xanthomonas translucens pv.cerealis contributes to virulence in bacterial leaf streak of wheat. Front Microbiol., 2019, doi:10.3389/fmicrob. 2019.02040.
  20. Cao Y.Y., Yang M.T., Ma W.X., Sun Y.J., and Chen G.Y.*. Overexpression of SSBXoc, a single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, enhances plant growth and disease and salt stress tolerance in transgenic Nicotiana benthamianaFront. Plant Sci., 2018, 9:953.
  21. Ma W.X., Zou L.F., Ji Z.Y., Xu X.M., Xu Z.Y., Yang Y.Y., Alfano J.R., and Chen G.Y.*. Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae TALE proteins recruit OsTFIIAγ1 to compensate for the absence of OsTFIIAγ5 in bacterial blight in rice. Mol Plant Pathol., 2018, 19(10):2248-2262.
  22. Cai L.L., Cao Y.Y.,Xu Z.Y., Ma W.X., Zakria M., Zou L.F., Cheng Z.Q.*, and Chen G.Y.*. A transcription activator-like effector Tal7 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola activates rice gene Os09g29100 to suppress rice immunity. Sci Rep., 2017, 7: 5089.
  23. Ji Z.Y., Ji C. H., Liu B., Zou L.F., Chen G.Y.*, and Yang B.*. Interfering TALEs of Xanthomonas oryzae neutralize the R-gene-mediated plant disease resistance. Nat Commun., 2016, OI:10.1038/ncomms13435.
  24. Ji Z.Y., Zakria M., Zou L.F., Xiong L., Zheng L., Ji G.H., and Chen G.Y.*. Genetic diversity of transcriptional activator-like effectors genes in Chinese isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Phytopathol., 2014, 104 (7): 672-82.
  25. Li Z., Zou L., Ye G., Xiong L., Ji Z.Y.,Zakria M., Hong N., Wang G.P., and Chen G.Y.*. A potential disease susceptible gene CsLOB of citrus is targeted by a major virulence effector PthA of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Mol Plant, 2014, 7(5):912-915.
  26. Ye G., Hong N., Zou L. F., Zou H. S., Zakria M., Wang G. P.*., and Chen G. Y.*. tale-based genetic diversity of Chinese isolates of the citrus canker pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Plant Dis., 2013, 97:1187-1194.
  27. Che Y. Z., Li Y. R., Zou H. S., Zou L. F., Zhang B., and Chen G. Y.*. A novel antimicrobial protein for Plant Protection consisting of a Xanthomonas oryzae harpin and active domains of cecropin A and melittin. Microbial Biotechnol, 2011, 4: 777-793.
  28. Li Y. R., Zou H. S., Che, Y. Z., Cui Y. P., Guo W., Zou L. F., Chatterjee S., and Chen G. Y.*. A novel regulatory role of HrpD6 in regulating hrp-hrc-hpa genes in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact., 2011, 24(9): 1086-1101.
  29. Zou H.S., Zhao W.X., Zhang X.F., Han Y.C., Zou L. F. and Chen G. Y.*. Identification of an Avirulence Gene, avrxa5, from the Rice Pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. SCI CHIN Life Sci., 2010, 53(12):1433-1442.
  30. Chen D.L.#, Marques E.R.#, Chen G.Y.#, Fagundes M.R.Z.K., Goldman G.H., Walmsley A.R., Borges-Walmsley M.I. The cAMP pathway is important for controlling the morphological switch to the pathogenic yeast form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Mol Microbiol, 2007, 65(3):761-779.
  31. Wu X.M., Li Y.R., Zou L.F., and Chen G.Y.*. Gene-for-gene relationships between rice and diverse avrBs3/pthA avirulence genes in Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae.Plant Pathol, 2007, 56: 26-34.
  32. Zou, L. F., Wang, X. P., Xiang, Y., Zhang, B., Li, Y. R., Wang, J. S., Walmsley A. R.*, and Chen G. Y*. Elucidation of the hrp Gene Clusters of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola that controls the hypersensitive response in a non-host tobacco and pathogenicity in a susceptible host plant rice. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2006, 72(9): 6212-6224.



  1. 陈功友,纪志远,徐正银*,朱章飞,邹丽芳. 水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa2、Xa14和Xa45(t)及其应用. ZL202010143798.0, 2021年1月22日。
  2. 陈功友,徐正银*,王赛,刘龙宇*,马文秀,刘琳琳*,邹丽芳.修饰水稻OsSWEET基因启动子培育广谱抗白叶枯病水稻的方法. ZL201910698527.9, 2021年3月23日。
  3. 陈功友,邹华松,邹丽芳,赵文祥,李玉蓉,武晓敏. 一种激发水稻产生抗病反应的无毒基因avrxa5. ZL200811191023.1.,2010年.
  4. 陈功友、李争、邹丽芳. 柑橘溃疡病感病基因 CsLOB,ZL201410002978.1,2016年。



Chen G.Y. Secretion systems of plant pathogenic bacteria (Chapter 7), in Virulence Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria, eds by Wang N. et al., 2015, APS Press.



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