
Email: liurhou@sjtu.edu.cn



1.生物质能工程  2.能源/生态环境综合系统的研究


博士生招生:金沙2004路线js5 生态学博士点
       硕士生招生:金沙2004路线js5 生态学硕士点



兼任5个国家级学会理事,包括:中国沼气学会理事,中国可再生能源学会理事(2004-2017,中国可再生能源学会生物质能专委会常务委员2004-今),中国生物质能技术中心理事,中国农业工程学会理事,中国农业机械学会理事;兼任生物质能源产业技术创新战略联盟理事,农业农村部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室学术委员会委员(2012-2015);担当4个SCI期刊编委:Fuel Processing Technology(SCI,中科院二区),International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(SCI,中科院二区),Frontiers in Energy Research(SCI,副主编),Energies(SCI);5个EI期刊编委:International Journal of Global Energy Issues(英文EI),International Journal of Alternative Propulsion(英文EI),农业工程学报(中文EI),太阳能学报(中文EI),农业机械学报(中文EI)等职务。


在科研方面,主持及参加科研课题30余项,获得多项奖励。主编著作及教材9部,发表期刊论文240余篇,其中,在生物质能源工程领域顶尖期刊:Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Bioresource Technology,Energy, Fuel,Renewable Energy,Fuel Processing Technology,Biomass and Bioenergy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等发表SCI收录论文135余篇,发表EI收录论文55余篇,发表中文核心期刊论文50余篇。H指数37。以第一发明人获中国国家发明专利授权26项。被农业农村部聘为全国农村能源综合建设专家,入选省级百千万人才工程百人层次,先后获得省级优秀青年骨干教师,第七届中国农学会青年科技奖,省级农村能源综合建设先进工作者等荣誉。目前,主要从事生物质能工程与环境保护方面的研究,包括:生物质热裂解制取生物油技术、沼气技术、燃料乙醇技术、生物炭技术、农业生物质特性分析、能源系统等方面的研究。














(12)欧盟第七框架项目,欧-中生物质热裂解制取液体燃料合作(EU-China Cooperation for Liquid Fuels from Biomass Pyrolysis),金沙2004路线js5子课题主持。


[1] 刘荣厚.《新能源工程》(全国高等农业院校教材)[M].北京:中国农业出版社,2006年10月,字数:64.3万字。主编。

[2] 刘荣厚.《可再生能源工程》(普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材)[M].北京:科学出版社,2016年1月,48.6万字。主编。

[3] 刘荣厚.《生物质能工程》(高等学校教材)[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2009年9月,44.7万字。主编。

[4] 刘荣厚,沈飞,曹卫星 著. 《生物质生物转换技术》[M].上海:金沙2004路线js5出版社,2015年12月,字数:43.3万字。专著。

[5] 刘荣厚,牛卫生,张大雷.《生物质热化学转换技术》[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2005年7月,字数:29.4万字。著作。

[6] 刘荣厚,梅晓岩,颜涌捷.《燃料乙醇的制取工艺与实例》[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2007年12月,字数:49.5万字。主编,著作。


代表性论文:(* 为通讯作者,以下论文刘荣厚均为通讯作者)    

[1] Ronghou Liu ∗, Manobendro Sarker , Md. Maksudur Rahman , Chong Li , Meiyun Chai  , Nishu, Raphaëlle Cotillon, Norman R. Scott .Multi-scale complexities of solid acid catalysts in the catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for bio-oil production –A review[J]. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 80(2020)100852.(SCI,影响因子29.394, Q1区).

[2]Yifeng He, Yingnan Zhao, Meiyun Chai, Zhongyue Zhou, Manobendro Sarker, Chong Li, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai, Xinghua Liu.  Comparative study of fast pyrolysis, hydropyrolysis and catalytic hydropyrolysis of poplar sawdust and rice husk in a modified Py-GC/MS microreactor system: Insights into product distribution, quantum description and reaction mechanism[J].  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119 (2020) 109604. (SCI, 影响因子14.982, Q1区).

[3] Qiong Yu, Ronghou Liu*, Kun Li, Ruijie Ma. A review of crop straw pretreatment methods for biogas production by anaerobic digestion in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 107:51-58. (SCI, 影响因子14.982,Q1区,高被引论文).

[4] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*.A Review of Methane Production from Agricultural Residues in China[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54(2016) 857-865.(SCI, 影响因子14.982,Q1区).

[5] Qiong Yu, Chen Sun, Ronghou Liu* , Dominic Yellezuome, Xianpu Zhu , Ruifeng Bai, Mingquan Liu, Mengzeng Sun.Anaerobic co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure using continuous stirred tank reactor: The effect of biochar addition and urea pretreatment[J]. Bioresource Technology Volume 319, January 2021, 124197.(SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区,高被引论文).

[6] Nishu, Ronghou Liu*, Md. Maksudur Rahman, Manobendro Sarker, Meiyun Chai, Chong Li,Junmeng Cai. A review on the catalytic pyrolysis of biomass for the bio-oil production with ZSM-5: Focus on structure[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 199(2020)106301.(SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

[7] Chong Li, Amirul Rajib, Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*, Elham H. Fini* and Junmeng Cai. Balancing the Aromatic and Ketone Content of Bio-oils as Rejuvenators to Enhance Their Efficacy in Restoring Properties of Aged Bitumen[J].ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 6912−6922.(SCI,影响因子 8.198,Q1区).

[8] Nishu, Ronghou Liu*,Md. Maksudur Rahman, Chong Li, Meiyun Chai,Manobendro Sarker, Yichen Wang, Junmeng Cai.Catalytic pyrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose extracted from rice straw for high yield of hydrocarbon over alkali modified ZSM-5[J]. Fuel,285(2021)119038.(SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[9] Nishu, Chong Li, Meiyun Chai, Md. Maksudur Rahman, Yingkai Li, Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*. Performance of alkali and Ni-modified ZSM-5 during catalytic pyrolysis of extracted hemicellulose from rice straw for the production[J]. Renewable Energy, 175 (2021) 936e951.(SCI,影响因子 8.001,Q1区).

[10] Meiyun Chai, RonghouLiu*, YifengHe. Effects of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio and Fe loading rate of Fe-modified ZSM-5 on selection of aromatics and kinetics of corn stalk catalytic pyrolysis[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 206, September 2020, 106458. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

[11] Yifeng He, Yuwei Bie, Juha Lehtonen, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai.Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol as a model compound of lignin-derived pyrolysis bio-oil over zirconia-supported Rh catalyst: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[J]. Fuel, 2019,(239):1015-1027. (SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[12]Yuanfei Mei, Meiyun Chai, Chenjie Shen, Biaobiao Liu, Ronghou Liu*. Effect of methanol addition on properties and aging reaction mechanism of bio-oil during storage[J]. Fuel, 2019,( 244):499-507. (SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[13] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Qiong Yu, Ruijie Ma. Removal of nitrogen from chicken manure anaerobic digestion for enhanced biomethanization[J].Fuel, 232( 2018), Pages 395–404. (SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[14] Yan Wang, Ronghou Liu*.H2O2 treatment enhanced the heavy metals removal by manure biochar in aqueous solutions[J]. Science of the Total Environment, Volumes 628–629, 1 July 2018, Pages 1139-1148.(SCI,影响因子7.963,Q1区).

[15]Wenfei Cai, Li Dai, Ronghou Liu*. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of rice husk for bio-oil production[J]. Energy, Volume 154, 1 July 2018, Pages 477-487. (SCI,影响因子7.147,Q1区).

[16]Wenfei Cai, Ronghou Liu*, Yifeng He, Meiyun Chai, Junmeng Cai. Bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis of rice husk in a commercial-scale plant with a downdraft circulating fluidized bed reactor[J].Fuel Processing Technology,171(2018)308-317. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

 [17] Md. Maksudur Rahman, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass over zeolites for high quality bio-oil – A review[J]. Fuel Processing Technology,180(2018)32-46. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区,高被引论文).

 [18] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Shaofeng Cui, Qiong Yu, Ruijie Ma. Anaerobic co-digestion of animal manures with corn stover or apple pulp for enhanced biogas production[J].Renewable Energy, 118 (2018) 335-342. (SCI,影响因子 8.001,Q1区).

 [19] Linzheng Wang, Meiyun Chai, Ronghou Liu*, Junmeng Cai. Synergetic effects during co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste tire: A study on product distribution and reaction kinetics[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 268, November 2018, Pages 363-370. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区). 

[20] Le Zhang, Ronghou Liu*, Renzhan Yin, Yuanfei Mei. Upgrading of bio-oil from biomass fast pyrolysis in China: A review[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 24 (2013) 66–72. (SCI, 影响因子14.982,Q1区,高被引论文).

[21] Yan Wang, Ronghou Liu*. Comparison of characteristics of twenty-one types of biochar and their ability to remove multi-heavy metals and methylene blue in solution[J].Fuel Processing Technology, 2017,160,55-63. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

[22] Yuanfei Mei, Ronghou Liu*. Effect of temperature of ceramic hot vapor filter in a fluidized bed reactor on chemical composition and structure of bio-oil and reaction mechanism of pine sawdust fast pyrolysis[J]. Fuel Processing Technology,2017,161,204–219. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

[23] Chen Sun, Weixing Cao, Charles J. Banks, Sonia Heaven, Ronghou Liu*.Biogas production from undiluted chicken manure and maize silage: a study of ammonia inhibition in high solids anaerobic digestion[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 218, October 2016, Pages 1215-1223 . (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

[24] Renzhan Yin, Le Zhang , Ronghou Liu*, Yuanfei Mei , Wenjuan Yu. Optimization of composite additives for improving stability of bio-oils, Fuel 170 (2016) 1–8. (SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[25]Wenfei Cai, Ronghou Liu*. Performance of a commercial-scale biomass fast pyrolysis plant for bio-oil production[J]. Fuel 182 (2016) 677–686. (SCI,影响因子6.609,Q1区).

[26] Kun Li, Ronghou Liu*, Chen Sun. Comparison of anaerobic digestion characteristics and kinetics of four livestock manures with different substrate concentrations[J].Bioresource Technology, 198 (2015) 133–140. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

 [27] Tianju Chen, Ronghou Liu*, Norman R. Scott*. Characterization of energy carriers obtained from the pyrolysis of white ash, switchgrass and corn stover — Biochar, syngas and bio-oil [J].Fuel Processing Technology 142,124–134, 2016. (SCI,影响因子7.033,Q1区).

 [28]Tianju Chen, Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*, et al. Effect of hot vapor filtration on the characterization of bio-oil from rice husks with fast pyrolysis in a fluidized-bed reactor[J]. Bioresource Technology, 102 (2011) 6178–6185. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

 [29]Tianju Chen, Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*. Steam reforming of bio-oil from rice husks fast pyrolysis for hydrogen production[J]. Bioresource Technology, Volume 102, Issue 19, October 2011, Pages 9236-9240. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

 [30]Weixing Cao, Chen Sun, Ronghou Liu*,Renzhan Yin, Xiaowu Wu.Comparison of the effects of five pretreatment methods on enhancing the enzymatic digestibility and ethanol production from sweet sorghum bagasse[J].Bioresource Technology, Volume 111, May 2012, Pages 215–221. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

 [31]Renzhan Yin, Ronghou Liu*, Jinkai Wu, Xiaowu Wu, Chen Sun, Ceng Wu. Influence of particle size on performance of a pilot-scale fixed-bed gasification system[J]. Bioresource Technology, 119 (2012) 15–21. (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

 [32]Ronghou Liu*, Fei Shen. Impacts of main factors on bioethanol fermentation from stalk juice of sweet sorghum by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CICC 1308)[J]. Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 847–854 . (SCI,影响因子9.642,Q1区).

[33] Ronghou Liu*, Jinxia Li, Fei Shen. Refining bioethanol from stalk juice of sweet sorghum by immobilized yeast fermentation[J].Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1130–1135. (SCI,影响因子 8.001,Q1区).

[34] Yuanfei Mei,Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu*. Hydrogen production from steam reforming of bio-oil model compound and byproducts elimination, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 41, Issue 21, 8 June 2016, Pages 9145-9152 .(SCI,影响因子5.816, Q2区).

[35]Ceng Wu, Ronghou Liu.Carbon deposition behavior in steam reforming of bio-oil model compound for hydrogen production[J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 5 ( 2010 ) 7386-7398. (SCI,影响因子5.816, Q2区).

[36]Ceng Wu,Ronghou Liu*. Sustainable Hydrogen Production From Steam Reforming Of Bio-Oil Model Compound Based On Carbon Deposition/Elimination[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 6 (2011) 2860-2868. (SCI,影响因子5.816, Q2区).

[37] Weixing Cao, Ronghou Liu*.Screening and optimization of trace elements supplement in sweet sorghum juice for ethanol production[J]. Biomass and Bioenergy 50(2013)45-51.(SCI,影响因子5.061,Q2区).

[38] Md. Maksudur Rahman, Meiyun Chai, Manobendro Sarker,  Nishu, Ronghou Liu*.Catalytic pyrolysis of pinewood over ZSM-5 and CaO for aromatic hydrocarbon: Analytical Py-GC/MS study[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (2020) 425-435. (SCI, 影响因子6.186 ,Q2区).

[39] Yichen Wang, Renzhan Yin, Meiyun Chai, Nishu, Chong Li,Manobendro Sarker, Ronghou Liu*. Comparative study by GC×GC-TOFMS on the composition of crude and composite-additives bio-oil before and after accelerated aging treatment[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (2020) 2163-2175. (SCI, 影响因子6.186 ,Q2区).

[40] Zengzhen Wang, Jia Xu, Dominic Yellezuome, Ronghou Liu*.Effects of cotton straw-derived biochar under different pyrolysis conditions on Pb (II) adsorption properties in aqueous solutions[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 157 (2021) 105214.( SCI, 影响因子5.541,Q2区).


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