
职      称:首席研究员











1.上海市首批碳达峰碳中和专项  沼渣低碳高值化利用关键技术研究与示范(2021-2024)

2.科技兴蒙专项 秸秆低碳高值化利用关键技术研发与产业化示范(2022-2024)

3. 国家自然科学基金 生物炭活化过氧化尿素对农田有机污染土壤的控污增效机制(2019-2022)

3.国家自然科学基金  生物炭控制熏蒸剂散发损失及其对土壤功能微生物的分子生态效应(2015-2018)

4.国家重点研发计划专项  农田有毒有害化学/生物污染与防控机制研究 (2016-2020)

5.上海市农委科技攻关项目  肥料中POPs等有害因子检测标准风险预警平台研究(2015-2017)

6.国家科技支撑计划课题  南方平原稻作农区农业面源污染防控技术集成与示范(2012-2016)

7.国家质检公益性行业科研专项  肥料中三聚氰胺和POPs有害因子检测标准及其迁移风险研究(2013-2015)

8.国家自然科学基金 低剂量镉与菲复合污染的Hormesis效应及其分子机理研究(2009-2011)



1.环保型生物炭基肥及其施用方法. 专利号:ZL201310304168.7


3. 一株以三聚氰胺为底物的降解菌及其筛选和应用.专利号:ZL201410653049.7

4. 控制和去除生物炭制备过程中多环芳烃产生的方法.专利号 ZL201510217733.5


6.一种量子点光催化柔性薄膜及其制备方法和应用.专利号: ZL201610194204.2  


8.一种原位修复农田有机污染土壤的控污增效方法.专利号:ZL 2018 1 1083008.3  

9..基于动物粪便生物炭的控制熏蒸剂大气散发损失的方法.专利号:ZL 201610143647.9



农林废弃物炭化及其资源化高效利用关键技术与应用. 上海市科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)



1. Qincheng Chen, Zhiwen Cheng , Xiaoying Li, Chen Wang, Lili Yan, Guoqing Shen*, Zhemin Shen. Degradation mechanism and QSAR models of antibiotic contaminants in soil by MgFe-LDH engineered biochar activating urea-hydrogen peroxide Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 302 (2022) 120866 (影响因子24.319

2. Xiaoying Li, Zhou Yu, Qincheng Chen, Chen Wang, Li Ma*, Guoqing Shen*. Kill three birds with one stone: Iron-doped graphitic biochar from biogasresidues for ammonium persulfate activation to simultaneously degrade benzo[a]pyrene and improve lettuce growth.Chemical Engineering Journal, 430 (2022) 132844(影响因子16.744

3. Xiaoying Li, Qiren Tan, Ying Zhou, Qincheng Chen, Peng Sun, Guoqing Shen *, Li Ma*.Synergic remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil by a combined system of persulfate oxidation activated by biochar and phytoremediation with basil: A compatible, robust, and sustainable approach. Chemical Engineering Journal, 452 (2023) 139502. (影响因子16.744

4. Peng Sun, Yinfeng Hua, Jie Zhao, Chen Wang, Qiren Tan, Guoqing Shen*. Insights into the mechanism of hydrogen peroxide activation with biochar produced from anaerobically digested residues at different pyrolysis temperatures for the degradation of BTEXS. Science of the Total Environment, 788 (2021):147718 (影响因子10.753

5. Jiaolong Qin, Daniel J. Ashworth*, Scott R. Yates, Guoqing Shen. Coupled use of Fe-impregnated biochar and urea-hydrogen peroxide to simultaneously reduce soil–air emissions of fumigant and improve crop growth. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 396(2020): 122762.(影响因子10.588

6. Qincheng Chen, Pinhu Rao, Zhiwen Cheng, Lili Yan, Shiying Qian, Rui Song, Guoqing Shen. Novel soil remediation technology for simultaneous organic pollutant catalytic degradation and nitrogen supplementation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,370:27-36(影响因子10.652

7. Lu Huang, Zhichun Li, Congyang Zhang, Long Kong, Bo Wang, Shouqiang Huang, Vaishali Sharma, Houyu M, Qingchen Yuan, Yue Liu, Guoqing Shen, Kaifeng Wu and Liang Li *. Sacrificial Oxidizing of Self-Metal Source for the Rapid Growth of Metal Oxides on Quantum Dots towards Improving Photostability. Chemical Science, 2019,10(27):6683-6688(影响因子9.556

8. Jiaolong Qin, Qincheng Chen, Mingxing Sun, Peng Sun, Guoqing Shen*. Pyrolysis temperature-induced changes in the catalytic characteristics of rice husk-derived biochar during 1,3-dichloropropene degradation. 2017,Chemical Engineering Journal, 330, 804-812.(影响因子8.355

9. Lili Yan, Zhichun Li, Mingxing Sun, Guoqing Shen*, Liang Li*. Stable and flexible CuInS2/ZnS: Al-TiO2 film for solar light-driven photodegradation of soil fumigant. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016. (影响因子7.145)

10. Peng Sun, Guoqing Shen*, Qiren Tan, Qincheng Chen, Rui Song, Jingna Hu. Degradation of BTEXS with stable and pH-insensitive iron-manganese modified biochar from post pyrolysis. Chemosphere, 263 (2021) 128092(影响因子7.086

11. Jiaolong Qin, Shiying Qian, Qincheng Chen, Lu Chen, Lili Yan, Guoqing Shen. Cow manure-derived biochar: Its catalytic properties and influential factors Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019,371:381-388 (影响因子7.650)

12. Qincheng Chen , Jiaolong Qin , Peng Sun , Zhiwen Cheng , Guoqing Shen*.Cow dung-derived engineered biochar for reclaiming phosphate from aqueous solution and its validation as slow-release fertilizer in soilcrop system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 172:2009-2018.(影响因子6.395)

13. Qincheng Chen , Jiaolong Qin,Zhiwen Cheng,Lu Huang,Peng Sun,Lu Chen,Guoqing Shen*. Synthesis of a stable magnesium-impregnated biochar and its reduction of phosphorus leaching from soil. Chemosphere, 2018,199, 402-408. (影响因子5.108 )

14. Guoqing Shen, Daniel J. Ashworth, Jay Gan, Scott. R. Yates. Biochar amendment to the soil surface reduces fumigant emissions and enhances soil microorganism recovery. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, 1182−1189 (影响因子5.393)

15. Lili Yan, Long Kong, Zan Qu, Liang Li*, Guoqing Shen*. Magnetic biochar decorated with ZnS nanocrytals for Pb (II) removal. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015,3,125-132.(影响因子5.267)

16. Guofeng Shang, Guoqing Shen*, Liang Liu, Qin Chen , Zhiwei Xu. Kinetics and mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide adsorption by biochars. Bioresource Technology, 2013,133:495-49 (影响因子5.039).

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