

办公室电话号码  021-34206924








       1996年于西南农业大学本科毕业,1999年于东北农业大学硕士毕业,2003年于华南农业大学博士毕业2003年至今金沙2004路线js5工作。20045月至20061月于法国国立高等化学学院(ENSCR Rennes)和法国农业科学院雷恩研究中心(INRA Rennes)进行博士后研究。



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41471203),砷对蚯蚓掘穴行为与自由基代谢的毒性效应及其对土壤理化性质的影响研究,2015-2018主持。

3. 国家重点研发计划专项(2017YFD0501405):畜禽药安全性评价新技术与新方法研究, 子课题兽用化学药品的环境生态安全性评价及蚯蚓抗菌肽的研发主持, 2017-2020

4. 上海市农委重点攻关项目(沪农科攻字20166-3-2号): 蚯蚓对农作物增产提质抗逆机理研究及资源化利用,课题任务负责人,2017-2021

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31172360):猪与蚯蚓体内对恩诺沙星响应的CYP450酶亚型鉴定及其细胞内信号转导的分子机制对比研究, 2012-2015主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41071170):蚯蚓生物滤池中蚯蚓对新环境的应激响应及调控研究2011-2013主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(41111130195):蚯蚓种群、行为与分子应激反应研究2011-2012主持。

8. 教育部美大地区促进科研合作与高层次人才培养项目:养殖业中重金属与抗生素残留污染的土壤生态毒理研究,2012-2013主持。

9. 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303089-5):平原水网区农业源污染防控技术集成研究2013-2017参加。

10. 上海市科委重点项目(09230700400),DMC技术在崇明岛的应用研究与示范,2009-2011主持。

11.  法国科技部中法合作项目ARCUS子课题:Geochemical and ecological analysis in farm and forestry soils for DMC test in Chongming2010主持。

12.  中法合作先进研究计划项目(PRA E03-01):利用来源于生活垃圾和农业企业的有机物修复退化土壤的研究,2004-2006参加

13  上海市水务局科研项目(沪水科2011-09): 重金属在污泥高温好氧发酵过程中的形态变化研究,2011-2014主研。

14.  教育部留学回国人员科研启动金项目土霉素残留对土壤环境污染的生物标志物研究2008主持。

15.  上海市闵行区金沙2004路线js5校科技合作专项,绿色养猪净化保健试验方案研究,2008-2009主持。

16. 上海市青浦区金沙2004路线js5校科技合作项目,奶牛养殖废弃物处置与资源化利用研究2010-2011主持。



1. Yali Wang, Yizhao Wu, Jo Cavanagh, Ayizekeranmu Yiming, Xiuhong Wang, Wen Gao, Cory Matthew, Jiangping Qiu, Yinsheng Li*. Toxicity of arsenite to earthworms and subsequent effects on soil properties. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2018, 117: 36–47.

2. Xiaoxu Lu, Yinsheng Li*, Michelle Thunders, Cory Matthew, Xiuhong Wang, Xiaojiei, Xinchu Zhou, Jiangping Qiu. Effect of enrofloxacin on the proteome of earthworms. Science of the total Environment. 2018, 616-617: 531-542.

3. Yinsheng Li, Chun Zhao, Xiaoxu Lu, Xiaojie Ai, Jiangping Qiu. Identification of a cytochrome P450 gene in the earthworm Eisenia fetida and its mRNA expression under enrofloxacin stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018, 150: 70-75.

4. Yinsheng Li, Meilin Jiang, Michelle Thunders, Xiaojie Ai, Jiangping Qiu. Effect of enrofloxacin and roxarsone on CYP450s in pig. Research in Veterinary Science. 2018117: 97-98.

5. Paul Robin , Camille Morel, Franck Vial, Brigitte Landrain, Aurore Toudic, Yinsheng Li and Nouraya Akkal-Corfini. Effect of three types of exogenous organic carbon on soil organic matter and physical properties of a sandy technosol. Sustainability. 2018, 10: 1146.

6. Xiaoxu Lu, Yinsheng Li*, Michelle Thunders, Jo Cavanagh, Cory Matthew, Xiuhong Wang, Xinchu Zhou, Jiangping Qiu. Differential protein expression and localization of CYP450 enzymes in three species of earthworm; is this a reflection of environmental adaptation? Chemosphere. 2017, 171: 485-490.

7. Cheng Peng, Li Tang, Xuejun Tan, Yinsheng Li*, Xiuhong Wang, Xiaojie Ai, Xinchu Zhou, Michelle Thunders, Jiangping Qiu. Heavy metal fractionation after application of fermented sludge to soil and its effect on Sedum lineare. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(1): 810-822.

8. Yajuan Zou, Yizhao Wu, Yali Wang, Yinsheng Li, Chengyu Jin. Physicochemical properties, in vitro cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of PM1.0 and PM2.5 from Shanghai, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24: 19508-19516.

9.  Michelle Thunders, Jo Cavanagh, and Yinsheng Li. De novo transcriptome assembly, functional annotation and differential gene expression analysis of juvenile and adult E. fetida, a model oligochaete used in ecotoxicological studies. Biological Research, 2017, 50:7.

10. Hao Tang, Qianru Yan, Xiuhong Wang, Xiaojie Ai, Paul Robin, Cory Matthew, Jiangping Qiu , Xudong Li, Yinsheng Li*. Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) behavioral and respiration responses to sublethal mercury concentrations in an artificial soil substrate. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016, 104: 48-53.

11. Yinsheng Li, Yue Mou, Michelle Thunders, Yizhao Wu, Xiaojie Ai, Xinchu Zhou, Jiangping Qiu. Effects of enrofloxacin on antioxidant system, microsomal enzymatic activity and proteomics in porcine liver. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2018, 41: 562-571.

12. Yinsheng Li , Hao Tang, Yingxiu Hu, Xiuhong Wang, Xiaojie Ai, Li Tang, Cory Matthew, Jo Cavanagh, Jiangping Qiu. Enrofloxacin at environmentally relevant concentrations enhances uptake and toxicity of cadmium in the earthworm Eisenia fetida in farm soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016, 308: 312–320.

13. Yinsheng Li, Feifei Zhang, Xiaojie Ai, Xiuhong Wang, Paul Robin, Jo Cavanagh, Cory Matthew, Jiangping Qiu. Antioxidant and behavior responses of earthworms after introduction to a simulated vermifilter environment. Ecological Engineering, 2015. 81: 218-227.

14. Yinsheng Li, Yingxiu Hu, Xiaojie Ai, Jiangping Qiu, Xiuhong Wang. Acute and sub-acute effects of enrofloxacin on the earthworm species Eisenia fetida in an artificial soil substrate. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2015, 66: 19-23.

15. JinWang, Qaisar Mahmood, Jiang-Ping Qiu, Yin-Sheng Li,Yoon-Seong Chang, Li-Na Chi, and Xu-Dong Li.  Zero Discharge Performance of an Industrial Pilot-Scale Plant Treating Palm Oil Mill Effluent. BioMed Research International. 2015, Volume 2015, Article ID 617861, 9 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/617861.

16. Li Y., Lu L., Lin J., Qiu J., Ai X., Wang X. Effects of enrofloxacin on CYP450s in mice. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2014, 62(1): 164-165.

17. Yinsheng Li, Jing Sun, Paul Robin, Daniel Cluzeau, Jiangping Qiu. Responses of the earthworm Eisenia andrei exposed to sublethal aluminium levels in an artificial soil substrate. Chemistry and Ecology. 2014, 30(7): 611-621.

18. Xianxian Zhang, Shan Yin, Yinsheng Li, Honglei Zhuang, Changsheng Li, Chunjiang Liu. Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddy fields under different nitrogen fertilization loads in Chongming Island, Eastern China. Science of the Total Environment. 2014, 472C:381-388.

19. Yongtao Du, Pinhua Rao, Yinsheng Li, Jiangping Qiu, Weiguo Qiu, Hao Tang, Murray A. Potter. Toxicological Responses of the Earthworm Eisenia fetida to 18-Crown-6 Under Laboratory Conditions. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2014, 93(4): 452-45.

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