




      1. 新型食品物理(射频)加工技术
















教学目前主讲本科生专业选修课程《食品包装学》、硕士研究生国际化课程《现代食品保藏技术》和食品工程专业实践课程《食品工程综合实践》、博士生国际化课程《新型食品加工与包装技术》,还曾承担本科生全英文课程《食品保藏原理》的教学任务。指导多名学生先后获国家奖学金、国际微波能学会(IMPI)“Best Student Poster Presentation”、交大十大学习标兵、唐立新奖学金、上海市优秀毕业生等荣誉,本人也荣获金沙2004路线js5“凯原十佳”教师、金沙2004路线js5第一届教师教学竞赛一等奖等荣誉。



1. 2015年,金沙2004路线js5暑期社会实践优秀指导教师

2. 2015年,金沙2004路线js5青年教师教学竞赛二等奖

3. 2017年,金沙2004路线js5“青年岗位能手”

4. 2017年,金沙2004路线js5李兰馨青年教师基金

5. 2017年,金龙鱼优秀青年教师奖

6. 2018年,第三届最受学生欢迎青年教师奖(薛文芳、黄柏林奖教金)

7. 2018年,绿谷学术论坛三等奖

8. 2019年,金沙2004路线js5“凯原十佳”教师

9. 2020年,金沙2004路线js5第一届教师教学竞赛一等奖

10. 2021年,金沙2004路线js5优秀共产党员




1. 2014.09-2017.09,射频对辣椒粉中致病菌的杀菌动力学模型及机理研究,教育部留学回国人员启动基金

2. 2015.01-2017.12, 射频对辣椒粉杀菌动力学与品质影响的机理研究,国家自然科学基金

3. 2016.10-2019.09,采后果蔬高效干燥技术及相关品质变化研究,金沙2004路线js5Agri-X基金

4. 2016.12-2018.11,上海特色的马铃薯主食化关键技术成果转化与特色产品的开发,上海市农委科技成果转化项目(子课题)

5. 2018.10-2019.10,米糠和小麦胚芽等谷物副产品的射频稳定化技术研究,企业横向项目

6. 2018.07-2020.06, 新型稻谷质量安全控制及保鲜技术研发,江苏省高邮市重点研发计划

7. 2019.08-2020.08,低水分食品杀菌技术研究,金沙2004路线js5-希伯来大学学术交流基金

8. 2020.08-2022.03,谷物副产物中试化射频加工技术研究,企业横向项目

9. 2021.06-2021.12,基于热带水果的新型果蔬汁产品研发,企业横向项目

10. 2021.07-2024.06,热风辅助射频烘烤影响扁桃仁致敏性的机理,上海市自然科学基金



1. Shunshan Jiao, Yun Deng, Yu Zhong, Danfeng Wang, Yanyun Zhao*, Investigation of Radio Frequency Heating Uniformity of Wheat Kernels by Using the Developed Computer Simulation Model. Food Research International, 2015, 71: 41-49.

2. Shunshan Jiao*, Yu Zhong, Yun Deng, Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating Effects on Wheat and Corn Seeds: Quality Change and Fungi Inhibition. Journal of Stored Products Research, 2016, 69: 265-271.

3. Shunshan Jiao, Didi Zhu, Yun Deng, Yanyun Zhao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating on Quality and Shelf-life of Roasted Peanuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2016, 9(2): 308-319.

4. Shunshan Jiao, Wenyun Sun, Tiankui Yang, Yanping Zou, Xingxing Zhu, Yanyun Zhao*, Investigation of Feasibility of Radio Frequency Energy for Controlling Insects in Milled rice. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2017, 10: 781-788.

5. Meiji Liao, Yanyun Zhao, Chuting Gong, Hangjin Zhang, Shunshan Jiao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Roasting on Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Cashew Nut Kernels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 93: 274-280.

6. Sizhuo Hu, Yanyun Zhao, Zvi Hayouka, Danfeng Wang, Shunshan Jiao *, Inactivation Kinetics for Salmonella Typhimurium in Red Pepper Powders Treated by Radio Frequency Heating. Food Control, 2018, 85: 437-442.

7. Hangjin Zhang, Chuting Gong, Xiaofan Wang, Meiji Liao, Jin Yue, Shunshan Jiao*, Application of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency as Second Stage Drying Method for Mango Slices. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019, 42, e12974.

8. Chuting Gong, Yanyun Zhao, Hangjin Zhang, Jin Yue, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Radio Frequency Heating as a Dry-blanching Method for Carrot Cubes. Journal of Food Engineering, 2019, 245: 53-56.

9. Shunshan Jiao, Hangjin Zhang, Sizhuo Hu, Yanyun Zhao*, Radio Frequency Inactivation Kinetics of Bacillus cereus Spores in Red Pepper Powder with Different Initial Water Activity. Food Control, 2019, 105, 174-179.

10. Chuting Gong, Hangjin Zhang, Jin Yue, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating as a Simultaneous Dry-blanching and Pre-drying Method for Carrot Cubes. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2019, 56, 102181.

11. Jing Peng, Xu Yin, Shunshan Jiao*, Kangli Wei, Kang Tu, Leiqing Pan*, Air Jet Impingement and Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Hybrid Drying of Apple Slices, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 116, 108517.

12. Meiji Liao, Yanyun Zhao, Yuanrong Xu, Chuting Gong, Shunshan Jiao*, Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Roasting on Nutritional Quality and Aroma Composition of Cashew Nut Kernels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 116, 108551.

13. Hangjin Zhang, Yanyun Zhao, Chuting Gong, Shunshan Jiao*, Effect of Radio Frequency Heating Stress on Sublethal Injury of Salmonella Typhimurium in Red Pepper Powder. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 117, 108700.

14. Chuting Gong, Meiji Liao, Hangjin Zhang, Yuanrong Xu, Yubin Miao, Shunshan Jiao*, Investigation of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency as a Final Stage Drying of Pre-dried Carrot Cubes. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13, 419-429.

15. Yuanrong Xu, Meiji Liao, Danfeng Wang, Shunshan Jiao*, Physicochemical Quality and Volatile Flavor Compounds of Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Roasted Almonds. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, 44, e14376.

16. Meiji Liao, Windi Damayanti, Yanyun Zhao, Xuebing Xu, Yan Zheng, Juan Wu, Shunshan Jiao*, Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Stabilizing Treatment Effects on Physicochemical Properties, Enzyme Activities and Nutritional Quality of Wheat Germ. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13, 901-910.

17. Meiji Liao, Yuanrong Xu, Yanyun Zhao, Xuebing Xu, Yan Zheng, Shunshan Jiao*, Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Heating for Stabilization of Rice Bran: Enzyme Activity, Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity and Microstructure. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 131, 109754.

18. Yingjie Tang, Yinuo Jiang, Pu Jing, Shunshan Jiao*. Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Treatment of Mango in Syrup: Microbial and Enzyme Inactivation, and Associated Quality Change. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2021, 70, 102688.

19. Windi Damayanti, Meiji Liao, Yuanrong Xu, Pu Jing, Shunshan Jiao*. Pre-drying Effect and Quality Change of Rough Rice under Hot Air-Assisted Radio Frequency Disinfestation Treatment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2021, 37(6): 1045-1054. doi: 10.13031/aea.14593

20. Shunshan Jiao, Hangjin Zhang, Meiji Liao, Zvi Hayouka, Pu Jing*. Investigation of the Potential Direct and Cross Protection Effects of Sublethal Injured Salmonella Typhimurium Induced by Radio Frequency Heating Stress. Food Research International, 2021, 150, 110789.



1. 焦顺山,邓云,钟宇,钱炳俊. 一种对谷物种子杀菌保鲜的射频处理方法。发明专利,专利号:201410325993.X.

2. 焦顺山,廖梅吉,W·大玛延蒂,张久龙,钟宇,岳进,邓云,一种稻谷杀虫保鲜装置,专利号:202020690449.6 (实用新型)



1. Shunshan Jiao, Donglei Luan, Juming Tang. (2014). Principles of radio frequency and microwave heating, in: Awuah G.B., Ramaswamy H.S., Tang J., Radio-Frequency Heating in Food Processing: Principle and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA, Chapter 1.

2. Shunshan Jiao, Shaojin Wang. (2015). Dielectric properties of fruits, in: Marra F., Barba A.A., Lyng J.G., Dielectric Properties and Experimental Measurement: Foods, Bio-systems and Health Materials. Springer International Publishing AG, Chapter 8.

3. Shunshan Jiao, Eva Salazar, Shaojin Wang. (2021). Radio frequency, in Gómez-López V.M., Bhat, R., Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Print ISBN:9781119759515, Online ISBN: 9781119759522 DOI:10.1002/9781119759522



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