







      博士,1977年生,金沙2004路线js5副研究员。1996-2000年,山西农业大学园艺学院本科;2000-2003年,中国农业大学园艺学院研究生;2003-2005年,北京华大基因研究中心;2005-2011年,美国俄亥俄州立大学植物生物学博士;2011-2012年,美国俄亥俄州立大学分子遗传学博士后。2013年起在金沙2004路线js5任教。近年来,获得上海市科委国际交流合作项目、国家自然科学基金项目、上海交大农工交叉项目、上海交大新进人员启动项目等资助。在国际植物学领域发表高水平论文十余篇,其中包括发表在《The Plant Cell》、《The Plant Journal》、《Planta》、《Methods in Molecular Biology》等国际著名杂志上。




1. 上海市国际科技合作基金项目,17310742000,大豆对丁香假单胞菌的非寄主抗性机制研究,2017/12/01-2019/09/30,30万,在研,主持

2. 金沙2004路线js5农工交叉基金项目,AF1500056/007,植物病原细菌效应蛋白在植物体内示踪及致病机理研究,2016/10-2019/09,30万,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,31401703,冠菌素介导大豆细菌性斑点病原菌对大豆致病机理的研究,2015/01-2017/12,26万, 结题,主持

4. 科技创新专项-新进教师科研起步基金,14X100040073,冠菌素对寄主植物的致病机理研究,2014/05-2017/12,10万,结题,主持

5. “985工程”三期人才计划科研配套经费,TS0320215002,农生学院-讲席教授-朱克岩科研启动经费,2013/03-2016/06,500万, 结题, 参与



1. Wang Lei, Cui Sufen, Liu ZhiCheng, Ping Yong, Qiu Jiangping, Geng Xueqing*. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration under hypoxia and increased antioxidant activity after reoxygenation of Tribolium castaneum. PLoS One. 2018 Jun 14;13(6):e0199056

2. Cui Sufen,Wang Lei, Ma Long, Wang Yali,Qiu Jiangping, Liu ZhiCheng*, Geng Xueqing*. Comparative transcriptome analyses of adzuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis) response to hypoxia and hypoxia/hypercapnia Bulletin of Entomological Research. 2018 doi:10.1017/S0007485318000512

3. Sufen Cui, Lei Wang, Jiangping Qiu, Zhicheng Liu*, Xueqing Geng*  Comparative metabolomics analysis of Callosobruchus chinensis larvae under hypoxia, hypoxia/hypercapnia and normoxia. Pest Manag Sci: 2017, 73(6): 1267-1276

4. Ling Li , Jin-Hong Wu*, Li Zhang, Xu Chen , Yan Wu, Jian-hua Liu, Xue-qing Geng, Zheng-Wu Wang, Shao-Yun Wang*, Investigation of the physiochemical properties, cryoprotective activity and possible action mechanisms of sericin peptides derived from membrane separation, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 (77): 531-541

5. Xueqing Geng*, Mingzhe Shen, Jin Hee Kim, David Mackey*, The Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors AvrRpm1 and AvrRpt2 promote virulence dependent on the F-box protein COI1, Plant Cell Rep, 2016, 35(4): 921-32

6. Sufen Cui, Lei Wang, Long Ma, Xueqing Geng*, P450-mediated detoxification of botanicals in insects, Phytoparasitica, 2016, Vol.44(5): 585-599

7. Lei Wang, Sufen Cui, Long Ma, Lulu Kong, Xueqing Geng*, Current advances in the novel functions of hypoxia-inducible factor and prolyl hydroxylase in invertebrates. Insect Mol Biol, 2015, 24(6): 634-648

8. Xueqing Geng, Lin Jin, Mikiko Shimada, Min Gab Kim, David Mackey* ,The phytotoxin coronatine is a multifunctional component of the virulence armament of Pseudomonas syringae, Planta, 2014,(6): 1149-1165

9. Xueqing Geng, Jiye Cheng, Anju Gangadharan, David Mackey*, The coronatine toxin of Pseudomonas syringae is a multifunctional suppressor of Arabidopsis defense. Plant Cell, 2012, 24(11): 4763-4774

10. Xueqing Geng, David Mackey*, Dose-response to and systemic movement of dexamethasone in the GVG-inducible transgene system in Arabidopsis. Methods in Molecular Biology, John M. Walker, Humana Press Inc. 2011, pp 59-68

11. Ji Aiqing*, Geng Xueqing*, Wu Guoliang. (2011). Advances in Somatic Embryogenesis Research of Horticultural Plants. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011, Published Online, 2011 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/pos). (*Authers contributed equally).

12. Kim Min Gab, Xueqing Geng, Lee Sang Yeol, David Mackey, The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector AvrRpm1 induces significant defenses by activating the Arabidopsis nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat protein RPS2, Plant J, 2009, 57(4): 645-653

13. Xiang-Chun Yu, Mei-Jun Li, Gui-Feng Gao, Hai-Zhong Feng, Xue-Qing Geng, Chang-Cao Peng, Sai-Yong Zhu,Xiao-Jing Wang, Yuan-Yue Shen, Da-Peng Zhang*, Abscisic acid stimulates a calcium-dependent protein kinase in grape berry, Plant Physiol, 2006, 140 (2): 558-579

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