


职称: 研究员, 硕士生导师

所属学科: 食品科学与工程





电话:021-34204041 传真:021-34204107

电子信箱: yugeniu@sjtu.edu.cn



牛宇戈,女,博士。现任交大教学发展中心农生学院分中心主任。2011年12月毕业于中国药科大学微生物与生化药学专业,2010年-2011年赴美国马里兰大学营养与食品科学系学术访问。2012年进入金沙2004路线js5食品系工作至今。工作期间主要科研成果如下:主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级科研项目5项、企业项目2项。 2016年入选金沙2004路线js5晨星计划,2014年入选农生学院农源优秀青年教师;担任上海食品学会青年委员会委员、国际期刊《Foods》特邀编委、《Nutrition and Food Technology》编委;近年在食品顶级期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文27篇,ESI高被引论文2篇;公开发明专利4项,授权发明专利4项 ;多次受邀赴ACS、ISNFF、国际水凝胶大会等国际性学术会议作报告,获得国际学术界和企业界的广泛关注。主讲本科生课程《食品毒理学》入选2022年金沙2004路线js5一流课程。2021年获金沙2004路线js5十佳班主任称号,2019年获得上海 交大青年教师教学竞赛二等奖、金沙2004路线js5社会实践优秀指导教师称号,2017年获得金龙鱼青年教师奖、薛文芳、黄柏林奖教金最受学生欢迎的青年教师二等奖、绿谷杯课外创新项目优秀指导老师等荣誉称号。培养的研究生多次获得上海市优秀毕业生、金沙2004路线js5优秀毕业生、国家研究生奖学金等荣誉。




2.主要食品全产业链品质质量控制关键技术开发研究;“十三五”国家农业领域重点研发计划;2016 -2020年

3.模拟食品加工条件下车前草壳多糖与乳蛋白肽的相互作用机制研究;国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目;2015 -2017年

4.绞股蓝中活性多糖的结构测定与抗炎活性的研究;中国博士后基金面上项目;2012 -2013年

5.四倍体绞股蓝多糖的结构测定与活性研究;中国博士后基金特别资助;2013 -2014年









1.牛宇戈, 李教勇, 张忠飞, 杨士强. 一种番茄汁防褐变剂的制备方法及应用. 公开专利, 申请号 : CN202010587605.0.

2.牛宇戈, 方会成, 夏琪, 顾梅冬, 陆维盈. 一种新型复配胶作为脂肪替代物的低脂肉丸及制备方法. 发明专利, 申请号 : CN201910428361.9.

3.牛宇戈, 顾梅冬, 苏坦, 吴鹏. 一种从番茄皮渣中提取番茄红素的方法. 授权专利, 申请号 : CN201811636853.9

4.牛宇戈,李娜,夏琪.一种新的粘性食品组合物及其制备方法.授权专利, 申请号 : CN201710471162.7

5.牛宇戈,李娜,冯子倩.一种番茄皮可溶性膳食纤维的互穿胶体及其制备方法. 授权专利, 申请号 : CN201710044490.9

6.牛宇戈,冯子倩, 夏琪, 王备.一种黑豆皮可溶性膳食纤维互穿水凝胶的制备方法.发明专利,申请号 : CN201710044155.9

7.牛宇戈, 冯子倩, 刘来玉, 窦唯. 一种提高黑豆皮中可溶性膳食纤维含量的方法. 授权专利,申请号 : CN201610213984.0.

8.牛宇戈,冯子倩,窦唯, 刘来玉.一种黑豆皮膳食纤维的制备方法.发明专利,公开号: CN105595192A

9.牛宇戈,冯子倩,窦唯, 刘来玉.一种黑豆皮纤维茶及其制备方法.发明专利,公开号: CN105230886A

10.张亚琼,牛宇戈,俞良莉.一种新的酪蛋白衍生物及其制备方法.发明专利,公开号: CN104099389A.

11.史海明,牛宇戈.咖啡酸苯乙酯类似物及其制备和应用.发明专利,公开号: CN103613503A.

12.史海明,杨飞,牛宇戈. 具有抗炎活性的三萜皂苷类化合物、制备方法及其应用. 发明专利,公开号:CN103304618A.




1.Jiaoyong Li, Zongyuan Yang, Yufan Zhang, Boyan Gao, Yuge Niu *, Liangli Yu. The structural and functional characteristics of soluble dietary fibers modified from tomato pomace with increased content of lycopene. Food Chenmistry, 382: 132333, 2022.

2.Shiqiang Yang, Zhongfei Zhang, Jiaoyong Li, Yuge Niu *, Liangli Yu. Inhibition Mechanism of L-Cysteine on Maillard Reaction by Trapping 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. Foods, 10(6): 1391, 2021.

3.Huicheng Fang, Jiaoyong Li, Tianyou Huo, Yuge Niu *, Liangli Yu. Novel double cross-linked gels of soybean protein isolates and soluble dietary fiber from soybean coats with their functionalities. Food Hydrocolloids, 113: 106474 , 2021.

4.Yuge Niu∗, Huicheng Fang, Tianyou Huo, Xiangjun Sun, Qiang Gong,∗∗, Liangli Yu. A novel fat replacer composed by gelatin and soluble dietary fibers from black bean coats with its application in meatballs. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 122:  109000,2020.

5.Meidong Gu, Huicheng Fang, Yuhang Gao, Tan Su, Yuge Niu*, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Characterization of enzymatic modified soluble dietary fiber from tomato peels with high release of lycopene. Food Hydrocolloids, 99: 105321, 2020.

6.Yuge Niu*, Qi Xia, Wonhee Jung, Liangli Yu. Polysaccharides-protein interaction of psyllium and whey protein with their texture and bile acid binding activity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 126:  215–220, 2019.

7.Yuge Niu*, Qi Xia, Meidong Gu, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Interpenetrating network gels composed of gelatin and soluble dietary fibers from tomato peels. Food Hydrocolloids, 89: 95–99, 2019.

8.Yuge Niu *, Qi Xia, Na Li, Ziyuan Wang, Liangli Yu (Lucy). Gelling and bile acid binding properties of gelatin-alginate gels with interpenetrating polymer networks by double cross-linking. Food Chemistry, 270: 223–228, 2019.

9.Qi Xia, Meidong Gu, Jie Liu, Yuge Niu *, Liangli Yu (Lucy). Novel composite gels of gelatin and soluble dietary fiber from black bean coats with interpenetrating polymer networks. Food Hydrocolloids, 83:72-78, 2018.

10.Na Li, Ziqian Feng, Yuge Niu *, Liangli Yu (Lucy). Structural, rheological and functional properties of modified soluble dietary fiber from tomato peels. Food Hydrocolloids.77:557-565, 2018.

11.Yuge Niu*, Na Li, Qi Xia, Yuwei Hou, Guannan Xu. Comparisons of three modifications on structural, rheological and functional properties of soluble dietary fibers from tomato peels. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 88: 56-63, 2018.

12.Yuge Niu*, Na Li, Sierkemideke Alaxi, Guoren Huang, Lei Chen, Ziqian Feng. A new heteropolysaccharide from the seed husks of Plantago asiatica L. with its thermal and antioxidant properties. Food & Function. 8:4611–4618, 2017.

13.Yanling Wang1, Yuge Niu1,*, Xin Zhao, Bangquan Wang, Qianqian Jiang, Jie Liu, Yi Sheng*. Fatty acid and phytochemical compositions of plantago seed oils and their functionalities. Journal of American Chemists’ society. 94:905–912, 2017

14.Ziqian Feng, Wei Dou, Sierkemideke Alaxi, Yuge Niu*, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Modified soluble dietary fiber from black bean coats with its rheological and bile acid binding properties.Food Hydrocolloids,2017(62),  94-101.

15.Zhou Hu1, Yuge Niu1, Jie Liu, Yanfang Li, Liangli (Lucy) Yu, Hua Zhang*, Yi Xu*. Immunomodulation activity of alkali extract polysaccharide from Plantago asiatic L. seeds. RSC Advances.6: 76312-76317, 2016.

16.Shuo Fang, Yuge Niu, Wei Zhang, Yemin Zhang, Liangli Yu, Yingyi Zhang, Xinsong Li.Liposome-like nanocapsules of dual drug-tailed betaine for cancer therapy.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015(493), 460-465.

17..Lu Gong, Hua Zhang, Yuge Niu*, Lei Chen, Jie Liu, Sierkemideke Alaxi, Pingping Shang, Wenjuan Yu, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*. A Novel Alkali Extractable Polysaccharide from Plantago asiatic L. Seeds and Its Radical-Scavenging and Bile Acid-Binding Activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2015, 63 (2), 569–577.

18..Haiming Shi, Man Liu, Rui Wang, Boyan Gao, Zhongfei Zhang, Yuge Niu*, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*. Separating four diastereomeric pairs of dihydroflavonol glycosidesfrom Engelhardia roxburghiana using high performancecounter-current chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A.2015, 1383 : 79–87.

19.Yuge Niu*,1, Pingping Shang1, Lei Chen, Hua Zhang, Lu Gong, Xiaowei Zhang, Wenjuan Yu, Yuhong Xu, Qin Wang, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*. Characterization of a Novel Alkali-Soluble Heteropolysaccharide from Tetraploid Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino and Its Potential Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2014, 62: 3783-3790.

20.Yaqiong Zhang, Yuge Niu*, Fangyi Yao, Bona Dai, Qin Wang, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*. Preparation of Novel Cross-Linked and Octylated Caseinates Using a Biphasic Enzymatic Procedure and Their Functional Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2014, 62: 8655-8662.

21.Yingjiang Lu1, Junli Lv1, Junjie Hao, Yuge Niu*, Monica Whent, Jose Costa, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*. Genotype, environment, and their interactions on the phytochemical compositions and radical scavenging properties of soft winter wheat bran. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2015,60:277-283.

22.Weiying Lu1, Yuge Niu1, Haisha Yang, Yi Sheng, Haiming Shi*, Liangli (Lucy) Yu*.Simultaneous HPLC quantification of five major triterpene alcohol and sterol ferulates in rice bran oil using a single reference standard. Food Chemistry.2014,148:329-334.

23.Yuge Niu1, Boyan Gao1, Margaret Slavin, Xiaowei Zhang, Fei Yang, Jinsong Bao, Haiming Shi*, Zhuohong Xie, and Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Phytochemical Compositions, and Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Twenty-Two Red Rice Samples Grown in Zhejiang. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2013,54:521-527.

24.Yuge Niu1, Wei Yan1, Junli Lv, Wenbing Yao*, and Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Characterization of a Novel Polysaccharide from Tetraploid Gynostemma pentphyllum Makino. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2013,61:4882-4889 .

25.Yuge Niu*, Zhuohong Xie, Hua Zhang, Yi Sheng, and Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Effects of Structural Modifications on Physicochemical and Bile Acid-binding Properties of Psyllium. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2013,61:596-601.

26.Wei Yan1, Yuge Niu1, Junli Lv, Zhuohong Xie, Lei Jin, Wenbing Yao**, Xiangdong Gao, Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Characterization of a heteropolysaccharide isolated from diploid Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013.92:2111-2117.

27.Yang Zhao, Yuge Niu, Zhuohong Xie, Haiming Shi*, Pei Chen*, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Differentiating leaf and whole-plant samples of di- and tetraploid Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino using flow-injection mass spectrometric fingerprinting method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 5: 1288-1297.

28.Yaqiong Zhang, Yuge Niu, Yangchao Luo, Mei Ge, Tian Yang, Liangli(Lucy) Yu*, Qin Wang*. Fabrication, characterization and antimicrobial activities of thymol-loaded zein nanoparticles stabilized by sodium caseinate-chitosan hydrochloride double layers. Food Chemistry.2014,142:269-275.

29.Qin Zhou1, Weiying Lu1, Yuge Niu, Xiaowei Zhang, Boyan Gao, Casimir C. Akoh, Haiming Shi*, and Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Identification and Quantification of Phytochemical Composition and Anti-inflammatory, Cellular Antioxidant, and Radical Scavenging Activities of 12 Plantago Species. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2013,61:6693-6702.

30.Zi Teng, Ying Li, Yuge Niu, Yuhong Xu, Liangli Yu, Qin Wang*. Cationic b-lactoglobulin nanoparticles as a bioavailability enhancer: Comparison between ethylenediamine and polyethyleneimine as cationizers. Food Chemistry.2014, 159: 333-342.

31.Haiqiu Huang, Arneta Fletcher, Yuge Niu, Thomas T.Y.Wang, Liangli Yu. Characterization of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cytokine expression in macrophages and monocytes. Inflammation Research. 2012, 61:1329-1338.

32.Yang Zhao, Zhuohong Xie, Yuge Niu, Haiming Shi*, Pei Chen, Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Chemical compositions, HPLC/MS fingerprinting profiles and radical scavenging properties of commercial Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino samples. Food Chemistry.2012,134:180-188.

33..Junli Lv, Yingjian Lu, Yuge Niu, Monica Whent, Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan, Jose Costa, Liangli(Lucy) Yu*. Effect of genotype, environment, and their interaction on phytochemical composition and antioxidant properties of soft winter wheat flour. Food Chemistry.2013,138: 454-462.

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