
       王兆龙  教授


       植物逆境生物学   草坪与矮牵牛抗逆生理与育种









2)国家自然科学基金面上项目(31472143),高羊茅和草地早熟禾对重金属镉的解毒机制比较研究, 80万元,2015.01~2018.12

3)国家重点研发计划项目课题(2018YFD0800205),都市农区面源污染防控与生态功能提升技术示范, 143万元,2018.08~2021.07

4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31901358), 矮牵牛重金属转运蛋白PhHMA5铜解毒机理研究,24万元,2020.01~2022.12


1) 国家发明专利:无栽培基质纯草皮的生产方法,专利号:ZL201510255627.6,授权公告日:2017-01-05

2) 国家发明专利:基于稻壳炭粒的运动草坪坪床基质及其吸持能力优化方法,专利号: ZL2013103541870,授权公告日:2015-04-01

3) 新品种:平民假俭草,上海市农作物品种审定委员会认定,沪农品认草坪(2009)第001号

4) 新品种:球道假俭草,上海市种子管理总站认定,沪农品认草坪2013第001号

5) 新品种:疏荫假俭草,上海市种子管理总站认定,沪农品认草坪2016第001号

6) 奖励:ITS Service Award.2017, International Turfgrass Society

7) 奖励:高坪高效低成本养护关键技术研发与应用,神农中华农业科技奖二等奖, KJ2017-R2-040-04 


1) Dong, Q; Fei, L; Wang, C.; Hu, S.; Wang, ZL*. Cadmium excretion via leaf hydathodes in tall fescue and its phytoremediation potential. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 252:1406-1411.

2) Cao, JJ; Hu, S.; Dong, Q; Liu, LJ.; Wang, ZL*. Green roof cooling contributed by plant species with different photosynthetic strategies. Energy & Biuldings, 2019, 195:45-50.

3) Wang, Y; Meng, DP; Fei, L; Dong, Q; Wang, ZL*. A novel phytoextraction strategy based on harvesting the dead leaves: Cadmium distribution and chelator regulations among leaves of tall fescue. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650:3041-3047.

4) Li, XX; Cao, JJ; Xu, PX; Fei, L; Dong, Q; Wang, ZL*. Green roofs: Effects of plant species used on runoff. Land Degradation & Development, 2018, 29:3628-3638.

5) Fei, L; Xu, PX; Dong, Q; Mo, Q; Wang, ZL*. Young leaf protection from cadmium accumulation and regulation of nitrilotriacetic acid in tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Chemosphere, 2018, 212:124-132.

6) Li, XX; Chen, XB; Weber-Siwirska, M; Cao, JJ; Wang, ZL*. Effects of rice-husk biochar on sand-based rootzone amendment and creeping bentgrass growth. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2018, 35:165-173.

7) Dong, Q; Xu, PX; Wang, ZL*. Differentail cadmium distribution and translocation in roots and shoots related tohyper-tolerence between tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8, 113.

8) Wang, ST; Dong, Q; Wang, ZL*. Differential effects of citric acid on cadmium uptake and accumulation between tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145:200-206.

9) Li, Y., Iqbal, M., Zhang, Q., Spelt, C., Bliek, M., Hakvoort, H., Quattrocchio, F., Koes, R. and Schat, H.. Two Silene vulgaris copper transporters residing in different cellular compartments confer copper hyper-tolerance by distinct mechanisms when expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 2017, 215: 1102–1114.

10) Faraco, M. *, Li, Y. *, Li, S. *, Spelt, K., Di Sansebastiano, G.P., Reale, L., Ferranti, F., Verweij, W., Koes, R., and Quattrocchio, F.M.. A tonoplast P3B -ATPase mediates fusion of two types of vacuoles in petal cells. Cell Reports, 2017, 19, 2413–2422.

11) Li, Y. *, Provenzano S. *, Bliek M. *, Spelt C., Appelhagen I., Machado de Faria L., Verweij W., Schubert A., Sagasser M., Seidel T., Weisshaar B., Koes R., Quattrocchio F.. Evolution of tonoplast P-ATPase transporters involved in vacuolar acidification. New Phytologist, 2016, 211: 1092–107.



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