


   职    称:长聘教轨副教授,课题组长,博士生导师

   所属学科: 植物学,细胞生物学


   电       话+86 (0) 21 34208428






2004.9-2010.10, 中科院上海植物生理生态研究所,获遗传学博士学位;

2000.9-2004.7, 陕西师范大学, 获理学学士学位。


2019.9-至今, 金沙2004路线js5, 长聘教轨副教授, 博士生导师;

2013.9-2019.8, 德国马普分子植物生理研究所, 博士后;

2015.11-2015.12, 英国牛津大学, 访问学者;

2011.9-2013.8, 德国马普分子植物生理研究所, 洪堡学者;

2010.11-2011.8, 德国马普分子植物生理研究所, 博士后。




   本实验室为德国马普学会资助成立的“细胞器功能与逆境响应”马普伙伴研究组 (Max Planck Partner Group)。本实验室和马普分子植物生理研究所(Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology)保持密切合作,运用生物化学、细胞生物学、转录组与蛋白组学及生物信息学等多种研究手段开展叶绿体与细胞核之间的信号交流、细胞器互作、叶绿体蛋白运输、细胞蛋白自稳态维持等方向的研究,解析这些信号在光合作用基因表达调控、植物细胞发育分化和逆境响应中的作用。主要包括:

1. 叶绿体的发生、发育与逆向信号;

       2. 基于蛋白稳态协同调控的细胞器互作;

3. 叶绿体参与植物逆境响应的机制。



阐明了叶绿体逆向信号途径中的中心调节子GUN1传递叶绿体向信号的分子机理,建立了GUN1介导多条逆向信号途径信号传递的工作模型 (Nature Plants, 2019, IF:13.297; Plant Physiology, 2018, IF: 6.305)。并初步分析了逆向信号途径中的转录后调控 (Plant Physiology, 2019, IF: 6.305), 为后续工作开拓了新的研究方向。



1.Gao, L.-L., Hong, Z.-H., Wang, Y., Wu, G.-Z.* (2022) Chloroplast proteostasis: A story of birth, life and death. Plant Commun DOI: 10.1016/j.xplc.2022.100424. (IF: 8.625) 

2.Wu, G.Z.* and Bock R.* (2021) GUN control in retrograde signaling: How GENOMES UNCOUPLED proteins adjust nuclear gene expression to plastid biogenesis. Plant Cell 33: 457-474. (IF: 12.085).

3. Wu, G.Z., Meyer, E.H., Richter, A., Schuster, M., Ling, Q., Schöttler, M.A., Walther, D., Zoschke, R., Grimm, B., Jarvis, P. and Bock, R. (2019) Control of retrograde signalling by protein import and cytosolic folding stress. Nat Plants 5, 525-538. (IF: 17.352)

4.Wu, G.Z.*, Meyer, E.H., Wu, S. and Bock, R.* (2019) Extensive post-transcriptional regulation of nuclear gene expression by plastid retrograde signals. Plant Physiol 180, 2034-2048. (Co-Senior author; IF: 8.005)

5.Wu, G.Z., Chalvin, C., Hoelscher, M., Meyer, E.H., Wu, X.N. and Bock, R. (2018) Control of retrograde signaling by rapid turnover of GENOMES UNCOUPLED1. Plant Physiol 176, 2472-2495. (IF: 8.005)

6.Hoelscher, M., Tiller, N., Teh, A., Wu, G.Z., Ma, J.KC. and Bock, R. (2018) High-level expression of the HIV entry inhibitor griffithsin from the plastid genome and retention of biological activity in dried tobacco leaves. Plant Mol Biol 97, 357-370. (IF: 4.335)

7.Wu, G.Z., and Xue, H.W. (2010) Arabidopsis β-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase 1 is crucial for fatty acid synthesis and plays a role in chloroplast division and embryo development. Plant Cell 22, 3726-3744. (IF: 12.085)

8.Niu, Y.#, Wu, G.Z.#, Ye, R., Lin, W.H., Shi, Q.M., Xue, L.J., Xu, X.D., Li, Y., Du, Y.G. and Xue, H.W. (2009) Global analysis of gene expression profiles in Brassica napus developing seeds reveals a conserved lipid metabolism regulation with Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Plant 2, 1107-1122. (Co-first author; IF: 21.949)

9.Wu, G.Z., Shi, Q.M., Niu, Y., Xing, M.Q., and Xue, H.W. (2008). Shanghai RAPESEED Database: a resource for functional genomics studies of seed development and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica. Nucleic Acids Res 36, D1044-D1047. (IF: 19.160)


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