

      职       称:长聘教轨副教授,PI,博士生导师








2014-2019年,美国加州大学河滨分校 (UC Riverside),博士后

2019-2020年,美国加州大学河滨分校 (UC Riverside),项目科学家






1. 植物表观遗传调控对植物免疫的调节。

2. 生物大分子物质在微生物与植物宿主之间的跨界运输机制。

3. 环境因素对植物-微生物互作的影响。

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yingnan-Hou-2


代表性论文 (* 第一作者,# 通讯作者

  1. Wang L*, Xia Y, Hou Y. # (2024) Candy or Poison: Plant Metabolites as Swing Factors Against Microbes. Mol Plant. 17, 1341-1343.
  2. He W*, Truong HA, Zhang L, Cao M, Arakawa N, Xiao Y, Zhong K, Hou Y, Busch W. # (2024) Identification of mebendazole as an ethylene signaling activator reveals a role of ethylene signaling in the regulation of lateral root angles. Cell Rep. 43, 113763.
  3. Li H*, Wang J*, Kuan TA, Tang B, Feng L, Wang J, Cheng Z, Skłenar J, Derbyshire P, Hulin M, Li Y, Zhai Y, Hou Y, Menke FLH, Wang Y#, Ma W. # (2023). Pathogen protein modularity enables elaborate mimicry of a host phosphatase. Cell. 186, 3196-3207.
  4. Kong, X. *, Yang, M. *, Le, B., He, W., Hou, Y. # (2022). The master role of siRNAs in plant immunity. Molecular Plant Pathology 23, 1565–1574. (BSPP Highlight)
  5. Qiao, Y., Xia, R., Zhai, J., Hou, Y., Feng, L., Zhai, Y., and Ma, W.# (2021). Small RNAs in Plant Immunity and Virulence of Filamentous Pathogens. Annu Rev Phytopathol 59, 265-288
  6. Hou, Y.*#, and Ma, W.# (2020). Natural Host-Induced Gene Silencing Offers New Opportunities to Engineer Disease Resistance. Trends in microbiology 28, 109-117.
  7. Hudzik, C.*, Hou, Y.*, Ma, W., and Axtell, M.J.# (2020). Exchange of small regulatory RNAs between plants and their pests. Plant physiology 182, 51-62.
  8. Hou, Y.*, Zhai, Y.*, Feng, L., Karimi, H.Z., Rutter, B.D., Zeng, L., Choi, D.S., Zhang, B., Gu, W., Chen, X., and Ma, W.# (2019). A Phytophthora effector suppresses trans-kingdom RNAi to promote disease susceptibility. Cell host & microbe 25, 153-165. (Cover story) (“Best of 2019” in Cell host & microbe).
  9. Cai, Q., Liang, C., Wang, S., Hou, Y., Gao, L., Liu, L., He, W., Ma, W., Mo, B., and Chen, X.# (2018). The disease resistance protein SNC1 represses the biogenesis of microRNAs and phased siRNAs. Nature communications 9, 1-14.
  10. Hou, Y.*, and Ma, W.# (2017). Small RNA and mRNA Profiling of Arabidopsis in Response to Phytophthora Infection and PAMP Treatment. Methods Mol Biol 1578, 273-283.
  11. Hou, Y.*, Guo, X.*, Cyprys, P., Zhang, Y., Bleckmann, A., Cai, L., Huang, Q., Luo, Y., Gu, H., Dresselhaus, T., Dong, J., and Qu, L.J.# (2016). Maternal ENODLs Are Required for Pollen Tube Reception in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 26, 2343-2350.
  12. Qiao, Y., Shi, J., Zhai, Y., Hou, Y., and Ma, W.# (2015). Phytophthora effector targets a novel component of small RNA pathway in plants to promote infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci 112, 5850-5855.
  13. Wang, Y., Hou, Y., Gu, H., Kang, D., Chen, Z.L., Liu, J.#, and Qu, L.J. (2013). The Arabidopsis Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome Subunit 1 is Critical for Both Female Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis. J Integr Plant Biol 55, 64-74.
  14. Liu, J., Zhong, S., Guo, X., Hao, L., Wei, X., Huang, Q., Hou, Y., Shi, J., Wang, C., Gu, H. and Qu, L.J.# (2013). Membrane-bound RLCKs LIP1 and LIP2 are essential male factors controlling male-female attraction in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 23, 993-998.
  15. 刘敬婧;侯英楠;瞿礼嘉#;高等植物受精过程中雌-雄相互作用的分子调控机制,中国科学:生命科学,2013,(10):842-853。
  16. Wang, Y., Hou, Y., Gu, H., Kang, D., Chen, Z., Liu, J.#, and Qu, L.J. (2012). The Arabidopsis APC4 subunit of the anaphase‐promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is critical for both female gametogenesis and embryogenesis. The Plant Journal 69, 227-240.



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