
"Promote biomass development and expand academic influence". The biomass research team published the paper again in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Published:2017-03-24  Views:9154

Recently, the paper of "Review of physicochemical properties and analytical characterization of lignocellulosic biomass" was published in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, a famous journal in the energy and fuel field (the latest impact factor is 6.798). This paper was completed by joint efforts of Biomass Research Center of School of Agriculture and Biology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, European Biomass Research Center of Aston University and College of Chemical Engineering of Nanjing Forestry University.
This paper systematically summarizes various physical and chemical properties of such biomass as lignocellulose and the latest analysis and characterization methods for these features, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and also proposing the relevant test and analysis suggestions. Therefore, this paper is of great reference importance to learn physical and chemical properties of biomass.

There is abundant biomass as lignocellulose. After biotransformation or thermo-chemical conversion, biomass can be made into biofuel and chemical products. As a kind of renewable energy of the greatest potential, the development and employment of biomass can effectively decrease the consumption of fossil energy, greenhouse gas emission and environmental pollution. There are various kinds of biomass with great difference in physical and chemical properties. The physical and chemical properties of biomass are the foundation to study biomass and have significant influence on supply logistics, pretreatment and conversion of biomass and quality of biofuel. How to rapidly and accurately test such properties has remained a hot topic in biomass study.
Sponsored by European Marie Curie Exchange Research Program (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES 246772), the first author of the paper, Professor Cai Junmeng (also the corresponding author thereof), completed this paper by cooperation with instructor Yu Xi from European Biomass Research Center, Doctor Scott W. Banks. Doctor Yang Yang and Professor Anthony V. Bridgwater. Co-authors also include doctoral student He Yifeng, postgraduate Yu Yang and Professor Liu Ronghou from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Associate Professor Zhang Xingguang from Nanjing Forestry University.
In addition, "An overview of distributed activation energy and its application in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass" completed by the team published in 2014 in the same journal was appraised by ESI as highly cited paper at the end of 2016.
All these indicate that the studies conducted by the biomass team in the relevant fields have gained extensive recognition from international peers.
Paper link:
1) (Review of physicochemical properties and analytical characterization of lignocellulosic biomass)
2) (An overview of distributed activation energy and its application in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass)

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Support by: Wei Cheng