
KTH-SJTU Joint Webinar: Sustainable Energy and Climate

Published:2021-10-28  Views:1808
Date: October 29
09:00-10:00 (Stockholm Time)
15:00-16:00 (Shanghai Time)
Zoom ID: 67340841956 (
Moderator: Professor Mikael Lindström
Time Activity
(Stockholm Time)
(Shanghai Time)
Keynote Reports
1. “Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Understanding and Predicting
Climate Forcing and air Pollution” by Prof . Barbara
NOZIÈREN, KTH (15 min)
2. “Photonic Dielectric Composites for Subambient and Above-
Ambient Radiative Cooling” by Prof. Huang Xingyi, SJTU (15
3. “ Fuel cell research at KTH” by Prof. Carina LAGERGREN,
KTH (15 min)
4. “ Financing performance of renewable energy stock market in
China: Evidence from firms’ high-frequency data” by
Associate Prof. Zhang Yuquan, SJTU (15 min)



1. Prof . Barbara NOZIÈREN, Department of Chemistry, KTH
Prof. Noziere received a PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux, France in 1994 and has held faculty positions at universities in the USA, France, and Sweden. She is studying the chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere and, more specifically, the processes involving organic compounds and their role in the natural Earth system, air pollution, and climate. Her activities are experimental, based on laboratory experiments and the analysis of atmospheric samples.
2. Prof. Huang Xingyi, Research Center of Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, SJTU
Xingyi Huang is a full professor at Research Center of Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Huang’s research focuses on novel polymers and their composites for dielectric, energy and thermal applications. He received his Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008 and had a postdoctoral experience in the same university. Currently, Huang serves as Associate Editor of two journals (IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation and High voltage).


3. Prof. Carina LAGERGREN, Head of Department, Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH


Carina Lagergren received the Ph.D. degree in 1994. She is currently a Professor with the Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Her research focus is in electrochemical systems and has mainly been within the fuel cell area, in which both high-temperature molten carbonate fuel cells and polymer electrolyte fuel cells, acid as well as alkaline, have been studied. Her research interest also includes electrolysis of, e.g., water at high temperature for production of fuels.


4. Associate Prof. Zhang Yuquan, China-UK Low Carbon College, SJTU
Yuquan Zhang is an associate professor at SJTU’s China-UK Low Carbon College and formerly an assistant professor at the School of Agriculture and Biology. Prior to joining SJTU in 2015, he worked as a research economist at the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in the US and later as a research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. He received his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University and B.S. in Resources Science and Engineering from Beijing Normal University. His primary research interests include, but not limited to, simulating climate change impacts on sectoral economies, exploring low carbon transition pathways, identifying and valuing adaptation strategies, and developing and applying optimization models using the GAMS language. He has been awarded grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, and contracts from the Ministry of Environment and Ecology’s Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy. He published a series of articles in the arena of climate change, and authored quite a few technical reports regarding bioenergy development, international trade and embodied emissions, etc. He serves as an associate deputy editor of Climatic Change.

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Support by: Wei Cheng