发布时间:2023-11-07  阅读次数:1305
报 告 人:陈焕 农生学院植物科学系 长聘教轨副教授

时    间2023年11月15日 (星期三) 12:40-14:00

地    点:农生学院创新楼(B楼)104会议室






陈焕博士2011年在韩国国立庆尚大学校应用生命科学部,获得环境生命科学博士学位。随后在庆尚大学校World Class University项目和美国南卡罗来纳大学生物科学系从事博士后独立研究工作。2022入职金沙2004路线js5,独立PI,博士生导师。主要研究方向为水杨酸信号转导及其相关的系统获得抗性、效应蛋白调节宿主生理生化过程,以第一和通讯作者(含共同)在Cell Host & Microbe, Science Advances, New Phytologist, Trends in Microbiology,Nature Plants, Molecular Plant,JIPB(封面)等国际刊物发表论文10余篇,共发表论文近40篇。






  1. Chen H, Chen J, Zhao Y, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2022). Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. Trends in Microbiology
  2. Chen H, Li M, Qi G, Zhao M, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2021). Two interacting transcriptional coactivators NPR1 and EDS1 cooperatively control plant immune responses. Science Advances, 7(45): eabl7173.
  3. Chen H, Clinton M, Qi G, Wang D, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2019). Connecting the Dots: a new and complete salicylic acid biosynthesis pathway. Molecular Plant 12(12): 1539-1541.
  4. Chen H, Chen J, Li M, Chang M, Xu K, Shang Z, Zhao Y, Palmer IA, Zhang Y, McGill J, Alfano JR, Nishimura MT, Liu F, Fu ZQ (2017). A Bacterial type III effector targets the master regulator of salicylic acid signaling NPR1 to subvert plant immunity. Cell Host & Microbe 22: 777-788.e7. Featured by the F1000Prime Faculty (Frank White, 2018) and Highlighted in “NPR1 in JazzSet with Pathogen Effectors” (Sun et al., 2018), Trends Plant Sci.
  5. Chen H, Ahmad M, Rim Y, Lucas WJ, Kim JY (2013). Evolutionary and molecular analysis of Dof transcription factors identified a conserved motif for intercellular protein trafficking. New Phytologist 198(4): 1250-60.



SPEAKER: Huan Chen

Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science, SAB

TIME :12:40-14:00 November 15th, 2023 (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB


A Never-Ending Saga: From Bacterial Pathogen Effectors to the Master Immune Coactivators to Boost Plant Immunity


To recognize non-self and defense against pathogen infection, plants and animals rely on a consecutive and multi-layered innate immune system governed by integration of multiple cell-face and intracellular immune receptors. During host-pathogen coevolution, phytopathogenic bacteria suppress diverse plant immune systems and promote pathogenesis by injecting proteins called type III effectors into plant cells using a type III protein secretion. Based on the identification and functional study of a bacterial type III effector AvrPtoB that targets the salicylic acid (SA) receptor, we have found a novel strategy by the pathogen to promote pathogenesis and revealed the underlying mechanisms utilized by SA-activated transcriptional coactivators to boost plant immunity. This emerging discovery will help in identifying germplasm resources involved in the cultivation of broad-spectrum, durable and highly resistance crops, the development of environmentally friendly pesticides, and the prevention of human disease.

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